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THIS Saturday - Flute Regional Etude Master Class

Arizona Flute Society

Due to the incredible turn out for this Master Class last year (We had 38 participants!) - we are adding additional flute staff so that everyone that attends can be more involved. Be sure to tell all the high school flute players you know about this unique opportunity! Click here to download our flyer.

10:00 am – 1:00 pm Mesa Community College Performing Arts Center 1520 South Longmore Mesa, AZ 85202

This is a free event for current Arizona Flute Society members. Non-members must pay a $10 fee to participate. Fees will be collected at the door.​

Focusing on techniques, tempos, and style, our wonderful clinicians will help you work out the bugs and kinks before the audition. Refine your piccolo playing and improve your sight-reading skills in preparation for the auditions. We will even have mock auditions for those interested.

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