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Flutes for Sale

Arizona Flute Society

Own a little bit of history!

Antique E. Rittershausen Flute #3580 for sale

This beautiful old German wooden flute (late 19th century) features silver keys, French pointed key arms, Grenadilla wood head, body, and foot, metal lined head joint, offset G, C foot joint, added trill key, pitched A-440-452. The flute was recently restored by an antique flute specialist Jeff Dening, which included complete oil-soaking, all new pads, corks, minor crack repair in head (doesn’t affect sound because of metal lined head), adjustment. The head and body both feature the E. Rittershausen signature stamp, including the Prussian Eagle. The original case is not really usable, but includes a fun stamp: "E. Rittershaussen , Berlin; Carl Fischer (Sole US Distributor),” "First Prize, Chicago World’s Fair, 1892." AND BEST OF ALL, this flute was one of the “cactus” flutes featured in the 1998 NFA Convention Phoenix poster. Asking price: $2500. Contact Lee Chivers (selling for Karen Merry) at 818-269-4199 or

Seaman Piccolo for sale

Original (pre-Gemeinhardt) Roy Seaman piccolo, # 3653. Grenadilla wood, silver keys, split E, Straubinger pads. Annual COA performed. Includes Jean Cavallaro case, original tuning rod, and brass lefreQue sound bridge. Asking price $2700. Contact Lee Chivers (selling for Karen Merry) at 818-269-4199 or

Miyazawa Handmade Flute #80690

Gorgeous professional Miyazawa Handmade Flute, serial number 80690. Features a solid silver headjoint, body, and footjoint. Flute has heavy wall tubing (0.45), drawn tone holes, offset g key, and French style open holes. Features a B foot with D# roller and Gizmo key. The flute is in perfect playing condition and comes with a Jean Cavallaro case cover.

$7,000 Contact Michelle at

Gemeinhardt KG Special 99088

Beautiful Gemeinhardt solid silver KG Special series flute, serial number 99088. Features a solid silver body and foot joint, with the KG Custom solid silver headjoint with gold lip plate. The body has French style open holes and inline keys. Footjoint includes a low B and Gizmo key. The flute is in perfect playing condition and comes with a Jean Cavallaro case cover.

$1,100 Contact Michelle at

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