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Join a Summer Flute Choir-There's Still Time!

Christina Steffen

There's still time to join one of the DEF flute choirs. Desert Echoes Flute Project is a nationally recognized, advanced/professional level ensemble that requires an audition and rehearses on Monday nights. The Community Flute Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings and does not require an audition. It is open to adult and high school flutists and the levels vary from intermediate through professional flutists . Summer rehearsals start soon and the concert is on Friday, July 28th, in the MCC Performing Arts Center at 7:30pm.

The DEF Chamber Choir resumes rehearsals in the fall and there are openings for this top level small ensemble dependent upon audition.

All three flute choirs are sponsored by the Music Department of Mesa Community College. Contact Christina at for audition excerpts or to receive a code to enroll in the Community Flute Choir.

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