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AFS MCC Regional Etude Master Class

Christina Steffen

The Regional Etude Class on Saturday, January 14th at Mesa Community College drew 40 participants from the valley together to improve their skills for the High School Regional Auditions held at the end of January. This year’s format included group warm-ups, master classes on each of the three audition etudes, and a sight-reading class. An extra hour was added to accommodate Mock Auditions, the piccolo etudes, and a discussion on performance anxiety. The clinicians enjoyed working with the students and everyone came away with new information and approaches to improve their auditions.

These outstanding flutists and dedicated educators donated their services as clinicians: Kehokule’alani O’Daniell, etude #1 and mock auditions; Alicia Wardell, etude #2, piccolo etudes, and mock auditions; Rhonda Bowen, etude #3 and mock auditions; and Christina Steffen, sight-reading, mock auditions, and performance anxiety. Participant comments indicate that the new Mock Auditions and Performance Anxiety discussion were a big hit! The AFS and MCC cooperated to present this joint event. Christina Steffen, MCC’s adjunct flute professor and DEFproject Music Director, hosted the event and AFS President Shelley Atchison spent a great deal of time publicizing and organizing for the day. Congratulations to the many flutists who participated and were selected for their regional bands and orchestras!

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