I had 4 private students and 2 Show Low kids that I’ve been helping when I sub at the high school make up the entire flute/piccolo section of the Northeast Region Honor Band. Samuel Lupe, a senior at Show Low High School and member of the White Mountain Symphony was first chair on both flute and piccolo. He has been selected as the high school soloist for the WMSO’s Spring Concert on April 16, 2016. He will be performing the Telemann Suite in A minor (Overture) and the 1st movement of Vivaldi Piccolo Concerto. I’m also excited to say he has been accepted into the school of music at my alma mater, Northern Arizona University. This is quite a feat for a young man who lives on the reservation and has been traveling 100 miles round trip to Show Low to attend school where there is a viable music program for the last 6 years. That’s one dedicated mom there!! Congratulations to Samuel Lupe!! Other private students that made NE Region Honor Festival Band include Jasmyn Del Angel, Show Low; Emily Mahvi, Show Low; Natalie Flake, Snowflake; Emmalee Hall, Show Low and Catalina Lopez from Blue Ridge. It was a good year for my flutes!
* denotes AFS members